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2018 Korean Society for Radiation Protection 한국방사선방어학회

작성자 사진: RPILRPIL

최종 수정일: 2019년 8월 8일

Feasibility of material decomposition using non-radioactive Xe for pulmonary function test in spectral X-ray system

Development of respiratory-correlated 4D digital tomosynthesis imaging technique for image-guided radiation therapy

"Korean Society for Radiation Protection was held on April. 18-20 in Yong-pyong Resort, Pyeong-chang, Korea."

"Jisu Eom and Burnyoung Kim presented in the oral session about their own research."



Konyang University,

Department of Radiological Science & Medical Science, 158, Guanjeodong-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, 35365, Republic of Korea

건양대학교 의과학대학 방사선학과 RPIL 대학원

대한민국, 대전광역시 서구 관저동로 158

우편번호 : 35365


Tel. 042-600-8443

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